Sonntag, 16. März 2014

Chocolate protein muffins.

It's baking sunday. Woop woooop :D

I was in the mood for something sweet (what didn't turned out so well) so I used chocolate! Haha.
Well, they turned out pretty good and tasty BUT they were not sweet. As you can see in the heading, I made chocolate protein muffins.


You will need:
  • flour
  • oats
  • 1 egg
  • milk
  • dark chocolate
  • chocolate protein powder
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tbsp low fat quark 

How to:
  • mix all dry ingredients
  • add egg, quark
  • preheat milk with chocolate inside (so it melts)
  • add the chocolate milk 
  • mix it very well and line the cup muffin tin with baking paper cups
  • fill in the cups 


Like I said, it wasn't sweet. You can also add some honey or other sweeteners.


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