Donnerstag, 27. Juni 2013

Picking berries.

My mom and I went to our friends house/garden yesterday to pick some berries.
As you can see we got 3, actually 4 baskets full of cherries and 2 (not in the pictures) baskets full of red currants. This was a huuuuge garden. Really! I never saw a graden like this before. They had 4 big cherry trees! That's a lot!
After a time I got a little bored of picking berries so I went for a little walk around the garden and guess what?! I found strawberries!!! My favorite berries ever. I think I ate them all at ones. They were sooo good!
Also found some black currants, raspberries AND a really annoying chicken. This little guy followed me the whole time. Little monster! Hehe.
It really was a fun trip and the weather was just beautiful :)
Oh and I also saw a goose mama with her little tiny babies walking around the garden. SO cute! <3

Dienstag, 25. Juni 2013

Chocolate oats.

I love oatmeal so much. I always have some for breakfast because after that I don't feel like I need something more to eat. It makes me full until lunch.
Like I said I eat it every day or almost every day so because of that I got a little bored of the *normal* oats with milk or water (or almond milk like I do). So I decided to try something new.
I cooked my oats like always and put some little dark chocolate pieces in it and that's what came out....chocolate oats!!! Lol.
It's soooo delish! Really! Best thing ever. I also like to put some raspberries in it because I just love them haha but you can also put some other fruits like a banana (sliced) or sliced apple in it.

Now go and try it out! :)


The king of pop. MICHAEL JACKSON <3

This post has nothing to do with health, workouts or something like that.

Today it's June 25th. A sad day for me because exactly 4 years ago a real legend died - The king of pop. Michael Jackson.
I still remember that day when I was 16. Sitting in my room getting ready for school and then I heard the news on the radio. I was so shocked. Ran to the kitchen where my mom was and told her with tears in my eyes about what I heard. I was shaking. Cried. All I wanted to do is laying in my bed and cry the whole day but school waited...
I will never forget that day. I am a fan of him since I was a little child because my parents always listend to his music and my mom was a huge fan. So I kinda grew up with Michael and I am glad about that because I really love his music and how he danced. Incredible! Inspiring! Just amazing!
I will never forget him, my angel. Michael Jackson.
Rest in peace <3

Montag, 24. Juni 2013

My Story.

Hi guys!

At first I want to introduce myself. My name is Kamilla and I'm 19 years old. I'm not a tall person - 1,62m! Yep I am pretty small. Lol. But whatever...I live in a small town, not far away from the capital of Germany. Berlin.

Now to the blog. I created this blog to share my weight loss journey, some workouts, recipes and more.
My New Year's resolution for this year 2013 was 1. to loose weight and 2. stop eating junk food, sweets and other unhealthy stuff. Make a long story short, to become a healthy person!
I've never been fat, overweight or something like that but I was a little chubby and I hated my body.

Sport played and still plays a big role in my life. When I was about 7 years I started with gymnastics and I really loved it but after 7 years full of hard workouts, medals....but also joy I decided to say Goodbye! I wanted to try something new. I tried different kinds of sport like judo, handball or badminton but all that wasn't the "right thing" for me. After a short break of doing nothing I found volleyball. I played in a team there for 3/4 years. I enjoyed it very much and also the team was amazing! After some years of playing volleyball I noticed that team sport isn't that what I wanted so I (again) said Goodbye! Then I started with running and I loved it so much. I still love it! I ran the whole summer, every day till October. The next 2 months I decided to stop it because it was cold and running in the snow isn't funny.

January I went straight to the gym and got a membership. I went almost everday to the gym because I was kinda obsessed with it and I also loved the classes. From then on I lost almost 10kg.
When I started I weighed about 62kg that also was my highest weight. Now I weigh about 54kg and I am sooooo happy. I became a whole new person and I still love food. I do eat chocolate or other sweet stuff but only rarely.

So....this was my litte story about my person. Now you have a little overview about me and my past.

Hope you liked it.


Ps.: Follow me on Instagram. My user name is thehealthy_me