Donnerstag, 27. Juni 2013

Picking berries.

My mom and I went to our friends house/garden yesterday to pick some berries.
As you can see we got 3, actually 4 baskets full of cherries and 2 (not in the pictures) baskets full of red currants. This was a huuuuge garden. Really! I never saw a graden like this before. They had 4 big cherry trees! That's a lot!
After a time I got a little bored of picking berries so I went for a little walk around the garden and guess what?! I found strawberries!!! My favorite berries ever. I think I ate them all at ones. They were sooo good!
Also found some black currants, raspberries AND a really annoying chicken. This little guy followed me the whole time. Little monster! Hehe.
It really was a fun trip and the weather was just beautiful :)
Oh and I also saw a goose mama with her little tiny babies walking around the garden. SO cute! <3

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