Dienstag, 25. Juni 2013

Chocolate oats.

I love oatmeal so much. I always have some for breakfast because after that I don't feel like I need something more to eat. It makes me full until lunch.
Like I said I eat it every day or almost every day so because of that I got a little bored of the *normal* oats with milk or water (or almond milk like I do). So I decided to try something new.
I cooked my oats like always and put some little dark chocolate pieces in it and that's what came out....chocolate oats!!! Lol.
It's soooo delish! Really! Best thing ever. I also like to put some raspberries in it because I just love them haha but you can also put some other fruits like a banana (sliced) or sliced apple in it.

Now go and try it out! :)


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