Freitag, 26. Juli 2013

Bad times.

If you follow me on instagram, you may know that I've been to Italy the last week. I had a fanstastic week there with lots of yummy foods, sun, beach, nice people and so on. The key word here is FOOD. I know that people say if your're on vacation try to forget about this whole workout/ healthy eating thing. Well, it's true! I tried my best to not eat pizza, gelato (italian ice cream) or cookies everyday because I knew and know that these aren't the healthiest choices. To be honest I ate pizza only 2 times when I was there like gelato, too. The first time I ate pizza was only one slice but the second time I ate around 3 huge pieces and the gelato wasn't healthy at all.
Long story short I gained weight in this one week. 2 kg!!! I was so shocked when I came home and weighed myself. I knew that I gained weight but not that much. Ok I did not  worked out while I was there besides swimming in the ocean so that was clear that I would gain weight. The sad thing is that when I came home I stayed at the "unhealthy eating" and did not worked out. 
2 days ago was my 20th birthday so I (of course) ate a lot of cakes and drank alcohol. All in one I gained 3 kg in the past 2 weeks. I just don't know what to do with my life. I know it sounds weird but me as a healthy person and very sporty girl to do this I mean eat tons of unhealthy food and do not work out IS horrible and I already see the results of it. My belly isn't that fat anymore than it was and I just feel so uncomfortable with my body. 

So I made a plan to start on monday next week. I will get back on track! To lose weight I'll do a lot of cardio like running because I got my new Nike free's for my birthday and I just can't wait to try them.
I will post a before and after pic of myself later here. At the end of August! I promise :)


Healthy smoothie.

Just made the best smoothie ever and it's also healthy.

You will need lots of frozen fruits.
Frozen raspberries, watermelon, peach, spinach and kale.
& fresh strawberries. Put them all in a blender and add some soy milk. You can use other milk as well. Blend it and voila. The healthy smoothie is ready to drink.

Freitag, 12. Juli 2013

Workout routine.

So this is my first workout post here on my blog. 

I usually try to go to the gym as often as I can like 5/6 days in a week but sometimes only 4. This week I've been everyday because I'm leaving tomorrow night.
I'm going to Itaallyyy! Super duper excited about that trip but I'm also a little scared to gain weight because I can't workout for 10 days!!! :(
Anyway I try my best to stay heathly, go hiking, swimming in the ocean, eat healthy like fresh fruits and veggies.

Now to my workout routine: When I started going to the gym this year in January I did a lot of cardio like running, spinning and I've been on the cross trainer. What I wanted is just to loose weight as fast as I could and it really worked. I never did strength because I was so afraid to gain weight because muscles are heavier than fat you know.
As I said I did lost weight but I didn't liked my body. I was just thin. No muscles at all so I started with doing more strength. I started with light weights like 2-3kg and increased further and further and guess what?! I really enjoyed it!

Now I still do cardio but only just 30 minutes to warm up a little and then I'm doing 1 1/2 hours of strength. My body looks way better now then it did before. I still do go running because it's my favorite kind of workout but only 2-3 times a week and by running I mean long distances (6-10km).
that's meeee :)

Mittwoch, 10. Juli 2013

Yogurt junkie.

So this what I usually have for dinner: low fat yogurt with quark and cottage cheese. I also mixed it with whole grain flakes, some almonds and a little honey. I know it looks disgusting, awful...just not good. Lol. But it really is one of my favorites! I love it so much.

I'm such a yogurt junkie! Haha.

Montag, 8. Juli 2013

Protein pancakes ♡

Just made the best protein pancakes ever!!! They tasted SOOOO damn good.
I tried to make some protein pancakes before but they've never been so perfect like these little boys today. You really need to try them. It's really simple and very delish!


What you need:  
  • 1 whole egg
  • 1 tsp vanilla protein powder 
  • 1 tsp wheat flour (You can use another flour, that's what we had at home so I used it)
  • 1 tsp oats
  • 1/2 cups milk of your choice. I used chocolate soymilk 

Mix all the ingredients together and fry them in a pan. I made them in the microwave because it's easier, it goes faster and you don't need oil to fry so it's also a little healthier.  

I had 4 layers. On the first one I put some quark. Second 1 tsp of honey. Third 2-3 tsp of low fat yogurt and on the last one I put 1 tsp of organic peanut butter and 1 tsp of honey. Also had some cottage cheese on the side with cinnemon and 1/2 peach but you can use other fruits as well.

Samstag, 6. Juli 2013

Vegan burger + stomachache

Hey guys!
Sorry for not posting that much lately. I've been a little busy with finding and looking for the perfect university for me cause I wanna have a good one you know?! :)

Anyways, I've been to Berlin today with a good friend of mine. We were at a museum/exhibition and to be honest I really liked it. It was very interesting!
After that we went to a vegan restaurant and I ordered an Italian burger with spinach, tomatoes, mozzarella and onions in it and also had some delish healthy fries. It was really one of the best burgers I have ever eaten in my life. It was SO good!!!
Buuuuuttt after that my stomach started to hurt so bad that I had problems to sit and I thought I'll die! Hhaha really it hurt so bad you can't even imagine. Actually I saw this happen because my stomach is very sensitive and I ate things that I never eat like bread or potatoes/fries. It was definitely not good for my stomach. Also had an ice cream with a hot caramel sauce after that. Poor poor stomach lol.

Nevertheless it was a beautiful day. <3