Freitag, 12. Juli 2013

Workout routine.

So this is my first workout post here on my blog. 

I usually try to go to the gym as often as I can like 5/6 days in a week but sometimes only 4. This week I've been everyday because I'm leaving tomorrow night.
I'm going to Itaallyyy! Super duper excited about that trip but I'm also a little scared to gain weight because I can't workout for 10 days!!! :(
Anyway I try my best to stay heathly, go hiking, swimming in the ocean, eat healthy like fresh fruits and veggies.

Now to my workout routine: When I started going to the gym this year in January I did a lot of cardio like running, spinning and I've been on the cross trainer. What I wanted is just to loose weight as fast as I could and it really worked. I never did strength because I was so afraid to gain weight because muscles are heavier than fat you know.
As I said I did lost weight but I didn't liked my body. I was just thin. No muscles at all so I started with doing more strength. I started with light weights like 2-3kg and increased further and further and guess what?! I really enjoyed it!

Now I still do cardio but only just 30 minutes to warm up a little and then I'm doing 1 1/2 hours of strength. My body looks way better now then it did before. I still do go running because it's my favorite kind of workout but only 2-3 times a week and by running I mean long distances (6-10km).
that's meeee :)

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