Freitag, 26. Juli 2013

Bad times.

If you follow me on instagram, you may know that I've been to Italy the last week. I had a fanstastic week there with lots of yummy foods, sun, beach, nice people and so on. The key word here is FOOD. I know that people say if your're on vacation try to forget about this whole workout/ healthy eating thing. Well, it's true! I tried my best to not eat pizza, gelato (italian ice cream) or cookies everyday because I knew and know that these aren't the healthiest choices. To be honest I ate pizza only 2 times when I was there like gelato, too. The first time I ate pizza was only one slice but the second time I ate around 3 huge pieces and the gelato wasn't healthy at all.
Long story short I gained weight in this one week. 2 kg!!! I was so shocked when I came home and weighed myself. I knew that I gained weight but not that much. Ok I did not  worked out while I was there besides swimming in the ocean so that was clear that I would gain weight. The sad thing is that when I came home I stayed at the "unhealthy eating" and did not worked out. 
2 days ago was my 20th birthday so I (of course) ate a lot of cakes and drank alcohol. All in one I gained 3 kg in the past 2 weeks. I just don't know what to do with my life. I know it sounds weird but me as a healthy person and very sporty girl to do this I mean eat tons of unhealthy food and do not work out IS horrible and I already see the results of it. My belly isn't that fat anymore than it was and I just feel so uncomfortable with my body. 

So I made a plan to start on monday next week. I will get back on track! To lose weight I'll do a lot of cardio like running because I got my new Nike free's for my birthday and I just can't wait to try them.
I will post a before and after pic of myself later here. At the end of August! I promise :)


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