Samstag, 25. Januar 2014

Protein pancakes.

What is the best post workout meal?! Exactly,  protein pancakes.

I came home from gym and I was craving something sweet but instead of eating chocolate or other unhealthy stuff, I made ppancakes (protein pancakes). I threw everything together and this is what came out *.* DELICIOUS!!!

You will need: oats, flour,  protein powder, 1 egg, a banana and milk.

First mix all the dry ingredients. Then add the egg, 1/2 of the banana (mashed), milk and mix it very. Now you can fry them on a low heat till it's light brown or longer. It depends on how you like them.

Now you can decorate...
I put some lf quark, honey, organic peanut butter on top and the other half of the banana on the side (sliced).

Donnerstag, 23. Januar 2014

Banana - protein muffins.

You will need:
Oat & almond flour, one big ripe banana, protein powder (one of your choice), cinnemon, milk and pb.

○》Mix all dry ingredients together
○》add banana (mashed)
○》add milk 
○》 mix it very well till the consistency is   not too liquid and not too solid
○》 bake at 180°C for 30 minutes
○》 put some peanut butter on the top and enjoy ♡

If it's not sweet enough for you, you can also add some honey or stevia.


Guys, guess what?!?! I finally got my long-awaited QUESTBARs!
If you follow me on instagram (thehealthy_me), you may know that I always wanted to try these bars but I just couldn't find them in any stores here in Germany.

Well, now I's NO store that sells QuestBar. Unfortunately :( BUT there's a thing, called Internet!!!
Haha. So I decided to order some and give them a try.
I already tried some protein bars and they were really good but I also heard a lot of good stuff about QB soooo I hope the money is worth it.

Here are some pics of these 5 bad boys.

   Questbar Instagram: @questnutrition 


Mittwoch, 22. Januar 2014

Veggie soup.

If I don't want to cook something and I'm really hungry, I make a soup.  Haha. It goes fast and it's really good annnd healthy! That's the main point :D

You only need 4 ingredients:

Vegetable stock, one carrot, brussel sprouts and one egg.

You cut the carrot and the brussel sprouts in small pieces, put them into the hot water with the vegetable stock and cook it till the consistency is perfect for you. (5 - 10 min). At the end you just add the egg and stir it.

Enjoy. ♡

Samstag, 18. Januar 2014


Today's Saturday and that means rest day AND baking!!
I was in the  mood to make Falafel cause I   wanted them so freakin' much and it's really easy to make.

What you need is:
chickpeas, a whole grain toast, garlic, onion and A LOT of spices.

How to make:
It's better if you leave the chickpeas in water overnight so you can process them better. You put the chickpeas in the blender and blend it just for some seconds till it's smooth but not too smooth. Then you add the whole grain toast, onion (cut in little pieces), garlic and spices and blend it till it's all smooth.
After that you just make some little balls and put them on the plate and squeeze a little. 15-20 minutes (if they're gold brown) in the oven and you can eat them.

Like I said it's really simple to make and the taste is peeerfect! :D


Mittwoch, 8. Januar 2014


One of my favorite parts of the day is definitely the morning not because I need to get up very early (I hate it), it's because of the breakfast ♡ I just loooove it.
I mostly eat oats with any kind of fruits. Here I have 2 pics of how my breaky looks like.

The first one:
Oats mixed with a lot of cinnamon and a little honey. I topped it with banana slices,  organic peanut butter and also some raisins and almonds. It's really one of my favs!

The other one:
Oats mixed with honey and topped with apple,  raisins and almonds. 

If you wondering how I do my oats. I just add low fat milk to my oats and microwave it for one 1 min or more. Then I add honey/cinnamon or whatever I want and that's it. Easy to make and tastes amazing.

Sonntag, 5. Januar 2014

Back on track.

Long time no posts here.


But here I am again. Lol.
The reason why I had no time to post something was...well there were many things. Anyway long story short I haven't been to the gym for about 3 months until now. I ate a lot of crap cause of Christmas and you know...all the good food.
So yesterday I went to the gym for the first time after the long break and it was good to be back. I really missed it!
Now I try to get my my body back. Because summer is sooooon.
OK not really but it's better to start early than late :)

I will post more from now on.
I promise :D