Mittwoch, 8. Januar 2014


One of my favorite parts of the day is definitely the morning not because I need to get up very early (I hate it), it's because of the breakfast ♡ I just loooove it.
I mostly eat oats with any kind of fruits. Here I have 2 pics of how my breaky looks like.

The first one:
Oats mixed with a lot of cinnamon and a little honey. I topped it with banana slices,  organic peanut butter and also some raisins and almonds. It's really one of my favs!

The other one:
Oats mixed with honey and topped with apple,  raisins and almonds. 

If you wondering how I do my oats. I just add low fat milk to my oats and microwave it for one 1 min or more. Then I add honey/cinnamon or whatever I want and that's it. Easy to make and tastes amazing.

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