Mittwoch, 26. März 2014

Oat cookies.

I was in the mood to make some cookies and of course healthy ones. So I made this delicious babies :)


You will need:
{oats, 1 banana, 1 tbsp honey, 1 tea teaspoon cinnamon, handful nuts/raisins, 1 tbsp organic peanut butter and some water}

How to:
Mix all liquid ingredients together; mash the banana and add it; add dry ingredients (including nuts and raisins) and mix it all very well. Preheat the oven ~180°C~
Shape the mass into little cookies & bake. Ca. 20-25 minutes (it depends on how you like them) so keep an eye on them!
Enjoy. ♡

Sonntag, 16. März 2014

Chocolate protein muffins.

It's baking sunday. Woop woooop :D

I was in the mood for something sweet (what didn't turned out so well) so I used chocolate! Haha.
Well, they turned out pretty good and tasty BUT they were not sweet. As you can see in the heading, I made chocolate protein muffins.


You will need:
  • flour
  • oats
  • 1 egg
  • milk
  • dark chocolate
  • chocolate protein powder
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tbsp low fat quark 

How to:
  • mix all dry ingredients
  • add egg, quark
  • preheat milk with chocolate inside (so it melts)
  • add the chocolate milk 
  • mix it very well and line the cup muffin tin with baking paper cups
  • fill in the cups 


Like I said, it wasn't sweet. You can also add some honey or other sweeteners.


Sonntag, 23. Februar 2014

Overnight oats.


5 tbsp oats
2 tbsp lf yogurt
1 tbsp quark
Cinnemon or protein powder
and a little milk

Mixed it all together and let it in the fridge over the night. Now you can put some berries, fruits or nuts on top and enjoy. ♡

It's really simple to make and tastes really good. I prefer overnight oats than the normal (cooked) cause I always get stomach aches from it, when they're cooked. Lol.

Sonntag, 9. Februar 2014

Flex bowl.


You will need:
~ oats
~ milk
~ protein powder
~ protein bar
~ organic peanut butter
~ almonds, raisins or some whole grain flakes (you can also use other things)

Mix oats, milk, protein powder together and microwave it for about 2 minutes. >> cut protein bar in little pieces and put it on top of the oats. >> if you want, you can also top it with other yummy things like nuts, raisins or some flakes AND please don't forget the peanut butter cause it's just SO good!

Donnerstag, 6. Februar 2014

My favorites. QUESTBAR

As you may know I ordered 5 QuestBar's few weeks ago.  It was the first time cause I never tried them before!

I haven't tried them all because I wanted to be sure that I like them, so this is why I picked up just 5 different bars:

  • Double chocolate chunk
  • Chocolate peanut butter
  • White chocolte raspberry
  • Cinnamon roll
  • Chocolate brownie 

To be honest, I liked them all! But some more and some less.

Like I said I had only 5 and my favorites were: chocolate peanut butter, double chocolate chunk and chocolate brownie. Yes. I LOVE chocolate! Hahah. The taste is SO amazing, it's like you really eat a brownie (chocolate brownie) but it's way more healthier and this is also what I love about QuestBar. The others were good but the white chocolate for example was too sweet for me. So my conclusion is that QuestBar is just awesome! Can't wait to try the others :)

Here are the favs again:

Samstag, 25. Januar 2014

Protein pancakes.

What is the best post workout meal?! Exactly,  protein pancakes.

I came home from gym and I was craving something sweet but instead of eating chocolate or other unhealthy stuff, I made ppancakes (protein pancakes). I threw everything together and this is what came out *.* DELICIOUS!!!

You will need: oats, flour,  protein powder, 1 egg, a banana and milk.

First mix all the dry ingredients. Then add the egg, 1/2 of the banana (mashed), milk and mix it very. Now you can fry them on a low heat till it's light brown or longer. It depends on how you like them.

Now you can decorate...
I put some lf quark, honey, organic peanut butter on top and the other half of the banana on the side (sliced).

Donnerstag, 23. Januar 2014

Banana - protein muffins.

You will need:
Oat & almond flour, one big ripe banana, protein powder (one of your choice), cinnemon, milk and pb.

○》Mix all dry ingredients together
○》add banana (mashed)
○》add milk 
○》 mix it very well till the consistency is   not too liquid and not too solid
○》 bake at 180°C for 30 minutes
○》 put some peanut butter on the top and enjoy ♡

If it's not sweet enough for you, you can also add some honey or stevia.